Noam Chomsky



All the marbles

"There has been a complete rethink about old people's cognitive prowess," says Molly Wagster of the U.S. National Institute of Aging. "Social, verbal and personal judgments -- many actually improve with age and there is a good name for this: it's called wisdom. A lot of older people have it and we may do well to study such individuals to see how they can help younger people." In the past, old age was assumed to bring only loss of faculties, "but that merely reflected what we were looking for," said Dr. Thomas Hess of North Carolina State University. "We were looking at problem areas, at abnormal brain states." In Dr. Hess's studies, older people were better than younger people at accurately labelling individuals as dishonest or bright. They also ranked as better storytellers when their remarks were transcribed and presented to judges who were unaware of the ages of the yarn spinners. Source: The London Observer