A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. - Attributed to Mark Twain

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind -Einstein

Where there is no vision, the people perish... - Proverbs, 29:18

I don't have time to fuck around, come back when you're desperate. - Anonymous Housemember

There is an exception, but it never applies. - Member of the Bar

I don't like kissie face law. - Member of the Bar

Nipples are sensitive - Norm

Nature, if it is to be commanded, must be obeyed - Francis Bacon

Vanessa: Good conversations are hard to come by
Brenda: But not on this couch, not in this kitchen
Vanessa: Not in this house. - Vanessa and Brenda

In our schools, education is incidental. - Cheerio

Eric: Randy... I've been accused of being a fraternity whore
Randy: Well you know Eric.... you are what you eat. - Eric and Randy

Vita is wunderbar - ma

Those who can't hear the music think the dancer's mad. - Dave?

There's more to life than books you know
But not much more. - Morrissey

Pleasure for the beautiful body,
but pain for the beautiful soul. - Oscar Wilde

I'm so fucked up, I can't tell the difference between a mattress and a bed. - Anonymous Housemember

[Bada bing] I'm 17. - girl on the street

The peasant is as ignorant as his donkey and the artisan is hardly less. - Edward C. Banfield

The most dangerous ignorance is that of an educated man. It sets back human evolution. - David & Cheerio

I'd rather be ignorant like a donkey than a dumb-ASS - David Wellhauser

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space - Some high school student via the CBC via Brenda